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Get “Tips on Strategies for Success” from Award Winning Multicultural Expert, Jinsoo Terry, and discover...

FUN ways to enjoy your cultural differences
Simple strategies to build a business, start a career, and become a good communicator
How to live your best life ever!

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Cultural Diversity Training


Multicultural Diversity and The Apple Story

Multicultural Diversity and The Apple Story

Jinsoo Terry teaches that there is more than one way to peel an apple. Be open-minded and accept everyone’s differences and you will have a successful multicultural workforce that works well with each other.

Jinsoo Terry -- Choose FUN!  

Speaking to American Society of Training and Development global managers and leaders on having a FUN diverse workforce opens people minds. FUN managers have FUN vision and FUN activities. These activities increase profits for the company and bring the teams together.

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Jinsoo Terry -- Choose FUN!

Jinsoo Terry Teaches Multicultural Diversity Workforce Success

Jinsoo Terry Teaches Multicultural Diversity Workforce Success

Jinsoo Terry teaches how to be open minded and positive. Good positive, open communication in the multicultural workforce brings credibility and trust.

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Jinsoo Terry and her F.U.N. Management Recipe

Learn from different cultures and remove barriers. Have a FUN company. Learn different customs and customs of different ages will make you creative and accepting of all cultures.

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Jinsoo Terry and her F.U.N. Management Recipe

Jinsoo Terry says “Choose F.U.N.” Jinsoo Terry says “Choose F.U.N.”

How to get a fun mind. With a FUN mind expect success as people will love to be around you. Nurture employees by encouraging them to bring their fun mind to work.

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Jinsoo Terry in Dubai, UAE

Jinsoo Terry speaks around the world and to the Dubai government officials. She speaks on 1) how to make people feel unique and bring their creativity to the workplace, 2) how to be a unique diverse leader, and 3) how to be a global leader.

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Jinsoo Terry in Dubai, UAE

“Creating Superheroes” Theme Music by Jinsoo Terry “Creating Superheroes” Theme Music by Jinsoo Terry

Theme of “Creating Superheroes:” A song about changing people from ordinary to extraordinary. Be confident and learn continuously.

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Jinsoo Terry speaks at ASTD

Jinsoo speaks at the American Society of Training & Development in Oregon. How to be a FUN manager. Learn how to have a fun workplace and motivate your workforce to have fun with you..

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Jinsoo Terry Rapping with Multicultural Artists Jinsoo Terry Rapping with Multicultural Artists

Music Video: “If Jinsoo Can Do It You Can Do It Too!” Jinsoo Terry rapping and having fun with multicultural rap artists who are entertaining inner city kids in San Francisco. Jinsoo has performed this song to global business leaders and on national network Korean television to millions of viewers.

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Get “Tips on Strategies for Success” from Award Winning Multicultural Expert, Jinsoo Terry, and discover...

FUN ways to enjoy your cultural differences
Simple strategies to build a business, start a career, and become a good communicator
How to live your best life ever!

We promise never to sell, rent, trade or share your e-mail with any other group.





Jinsoo Terry, LLC.

275 Fifth Street, San Francisco, CA 94103 USA

Tel 415-348-6256     Fax 415-541-8588

Multicultural Education Blog     Leadership Training Blog

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